Thursday, November 25, 2010

All the things he is..

He is like my lollipop mountain,

And I like a child kept at bay.

He is like a big pink balloon,

And me a tiny girl in pigtails.

He is like a bouquet of flowers,

And I a bride in a veil.

He is like my ink in blue,

And I like a dried out fountain.

He is like my penicillin drug,

And I a child caught in a plague.

He is like a breath of air,

And me an asphyxiated slave.

He is like that smile on my lips,

When I behold his lovely face.

There is a spring in my steps

And a song in my heart,

And my eyes twinkling today,

And my heart feels rejuvenation,

When I hear his footfalls come my way..


Unknown said...

thats beautiful!!
everywhere this person has such a "BIG" "Pinky" image!
hope he's not gay or a fatso!!
beautifully written!

Ankita Sharma said...

i hope not..